
We have exciting work to share, and we are looking forward to welcoming open-mind people to volunteer and help us


We are looking for volunteers willing to support our organisation, as we know that different people from various places can motivate and help our teachers learn new methods of teaching and development. We are incredibly open to any suggestions, and we are gladly willing to let our volunteers assist our teachers and learn about the education system in Tanzania.

As we are running a nursery school with children aged 3-5/6, volunteers can give basic English lessons (counting, vocabulary, etc.), organise didactic games, morning/weekends trips, physical education activities and childcare like helping in breakfast and lunchtime.

We need your help in our school and you are very welcome. Don’t worry if you have no teaching experience, you can always get some from our teachers, all we want is people willing to help and learn.

If you want to bring something to help our children in their education process, here you have some ideas:

— Reading books
— Paints and brushes
— Flashcards
— Games
— Toys
— Resources/materials to promote fine motor skills
— Drawing stuff
— Individual whiteboards and markers
— Old laptops and/or tablets

Here it is difficult to find these kinds of things. We and the kids would be incredibly grateful.


Help us spread the word to your friends, family and colleagues via Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Email, etc, so that we can reach as many people as possible to raise awareness of our work. 

Help in building and maintenance

We need volunteers who aren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty helping us in the maintenance of our building.

— Plastering and decorating the outside walls in the school.
— Maintenance in classrooms.
— Gardening
— Playground

Organise fundraising to sponsor kids

This will make a massive impact by helping vulnerable children get out of child labour, street life and poverty. Let’s keep cultivating their minds.

Also, for small projects in the community. 

Workshops in health classes, sexual education, menstrual hygiene, and women empowerment

Help by conducting workshops for young women who face a great challenge of lacking awareness on health issues and sanitary resources which leads to school dropouts, deficient performance, lack of job opportunity, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, and poverty in general. 


Volunteers can have the experience to live and working with a family on an urban farm. Also, we are looking for people with organic gardening experience who are enthusiastic about urban permaculture, ethnobotany, wild edibles, and food forest plantings, although experience is not a requirement.

Health System volunteers

We are looking for volunteers with experience in the health system, such as doctors, nurses, health assistants, and health students. You are always going to collaborate with a local professional. Volunteers and locals will provide medical assistance in impoverished areas of Arusha where communities lack access to it.

Open to any suggestion

We will appreciate and thank you very much for considering any way you can support our work. Furthermore, you are always welcome to bring in your own ideas as we value them a lot. Any project you consider that might be helpful, please tell us, you will have our full support.

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